The joy it gave to a lady who was stuck in a very bare hospital room was visible.
The outside world with all its hustle and bustle of preparation for Christmas was brought into the quiet and sometimes isolated surroundings of her room.
As we looked through the material and talked about the Christmas tree on the Mound and where she had learned to ice skate she became increasingly cheerful and animated.
Before I left we stuck the photographs on the wall so she could continue to have happy memories and feel part of what was going on around town.
Faith in Older People (FiOP), produces seasonal material as part of our course on Spiritual Care and People with Dementia and this includes readings, a very short reflection, prayer and some photographs or pictures to stimulate discussion
O God our Father
in this season of Advent
we look forward with hope
to the time of Christmas
We know you love us
as you sent your only son to live among us
may your love be like a lit candle to us
banishing the darkness of fear
and filling our hearts with hope.