Tuesday, 30 December 2008

Care Home Project

What gives meaning to our lives?  How can I reach the ‘spark’ that marks us out as individual?  How do we reach out between different generations?  These are the kind of questions we will be addressing in our project within care homes.

The aim of the project is to work with staff to develop a stronger understanding of the spiritual needs of older people and to find ways of working along side the residents to help them meet these needs.  This individual spirit can be fulfilled in many different ways from the enjoyment of music, being creative, through friendship and family and a faith. 

As part of the daily routine we will be encouraging care staff to take the time to talk with and listen to and simply be with the residents who might want to reflect on the past; their joys and sorrows; put their personal affairs in order and be able to talk about the prospect of death openly.  We recognise the pressures on staff to achieve a multitude of physical tasks but by working together we hope to find ways in which daily routines can encompass the spiritual dimension.

This pilot project will take place in a care home in Edinburgh, Glasgow and Stonehaven and has been funded by the Scottish Government.


Faith in Older People is dependent upon the support of Trusts, public funding and individual donations.   We are very grateful for all the support we have received from the Robertson Trust, Waterside Trust, Russell Trust, Church in Society Committee of the Scottish Episcopal Church, Preston Trust, Scottish Government and a family Trust and many individual donations.