Wednesday, 30 September 2009

News Malcolm NZ

One of our trustees, the Reverend Malcolm Goldsmith is a keynote speaker at the International Conference in September 2009 This will be held in Auckland, New Zealand hosted by The Selwyn Centre for Ageing and Spirituality

The conference builds on evidence-based models of medical care which have paved the way for people to live much longer, healthier, physical lives.  But has the quality of spiritual guidance and care offered to older people kept pace?  Are older people's spiritual needs being adequately met in healthcare and social systems around the world?

The issues of ageing and spirituality will be discussed against the backdrop of gender, culture and new models of care. This conference will consider the positive possibilities of ageing well, and flourishing, despite difficulties.

It will bring together researchers, aged care practitioners and those with an interest in helping older people find meaning and fulfillment towards the end of their lives.

Themes include:
  • policy formation and influencing political thinking
  • spiritual models of care for the baby boomer generation
  • indigenous issues and cultural case studies
  • end of life issues
  • pastoral care and ministry  
  • funding and spiritual models of care

We would welcome feedback on the themes of this conference as we are in the process of planning a similar event in Scotland next year.