In April 2008 a small group began
meeting at this Edinburgh
church, to look how the needs of the more senior members of the congregation
could be met. The main impact was the
organizing a quarterly Holy Communion service, on a Wednesday afternoon, in the
Church Centre.

The next CAMEO day was held in June 2009,
with the 70th Anniversary providing the theme of ‘The Second World
War’. This evoked many memories,
including what it was like to be child in Germany at that time.

The Communion service has remained central.
This is followed by readings & reminiscences and then tea, provided by the
Mothers’ Union, which have been part of this
event from the start. The delicious home baking, the fresh flowers and
colourful serviettes are much appreciated.

We have decided to call ourselves the Cameo
Group, as this how we are known! Sometimes
the themes are obvious, such as the ‘Carols at Christmas’ and ‘Remembrance
In January we had chosen ‘Winter’, before
realizing how snowy it would be! This
evoked memories of other severe winters and, for a few, the Cameo event was the
only time they had been out in weeks. Gill Davidson